Monday, January 14, 2013


There is a point in the middle of the road of your life that is not usually in the middle of the time you will live. You do not speak about it, you know about it, but you can’t talk about it because is yours and yours alone.  You see everything that you have done, you have done everything that life asked you to do, but then you realize that life forgot some stuff that you wanted to do also.

I’m not talking a Euro trip, anyone can a flight to another country, and I bet birds that fly everywhere have higher standards than those. Buy a house, is that your dream? Uncle Sam’s dream? American Dream?, you got it, NICE, SO WHY STILL SAD?. You have done everything life told you to do when you starting living in your life, but why you had to live without life?.

It is not that you don’t know what to do, maybe you don’t remember but probably you were happy for 10 seconds, and nothing had surpassed that moment. Ohhhh man you wish you can go back, but the freaking time machine has not be built, scientist are too busy with the iPhone, iPad, iPod and iF*** you for the next twenty years so good luck with that. You don’t have to go back, you only have to be who you were in those ten seconds.

I don’t mean young, being old has its perks too

Just go back to the LAST KNOWN GOOD CONFIGURATION of yourself. Don’t think about the files that you may or may not lose; it is a price that might be worth paying.  Maybe some of the stuff in your life is not compatible with that version, but that means that you don’t need it in that version of you. Go get those ten seconds and surpass them.

300 Kilometers (Part 2, Mini Series, Fiction)

Six days has passed since his encounter with one of the beasts. He could not move as much as he
wanted because he had to avoid fires, open roads and bandits also. He was very hungry and the last crumbs of bread had ended three days ago. He stopped on a hill and knelt to get lost in the tall grasses. He was very tired and decided to rest there on that hill. He thought that if he heard something approaching the distance could give him time to react.

The cold of the night woke him up scared and found himself in pitch black darkness ... Pussy said. He thought for a moment that he was in the purgatory. His eyes are were not yet accustomed to the darkness when he noticed a light in the distance. They could be soldiers or beasts in the forest here, thought it must have been a person who was like him, hiding. Took the head of the beast, his pistol, and flashlight and walked to that light. As he approached he saw that the light was coming from a house. It seems something like electricity, but it was impossible; two years has passed with no electricity, even in this country’s standard it is too much time. A few meters from the house, he saw a gap in the root of a tree and decided to bury the head there. Cautiously was looking for each of the windows, he could see the gas lamp, like he thought no electricity, but saw no one. He approached the door that was half open. He was slowly pushing with the tip of the gun until it was inside.

He began reviewing the kitchen cabinets looking for food. Then he heard the front door opened, he quickly cornered in a corner of the kitchen while pointing to the kitchen entrance with the gun. He felt the footsteps approaching the kitchen and when he saw a very old man old going into the kitchen with a plastic bag in the hands and he pointed the gun at the old man’s head.

I'm no villain or thief, but if you move I'll blow your head.
I'm no villain or thief, but I have food, the old man replied
What you got there? – He asked, while moving face to face to the old man
It is meat and rice.
Meat? What kind of meat in this place?
Horse meat
Horse meat!!!! ... Are you crazy?
Yeah, maybe a little crazy, but when you are hungry you learn to eat anything.
If you're a bandit I’ll blow your brains out.
I am not the one who has the gun of the two.

Removing the gun from the head and put it away. The old man asked him to sit that would prepare the food. He didn’t like the idea of ​​eating horsemeat, but at that time he did not care. As the old man cook he walked through the house. He saw many bumps in a corner and clothes.

More people have come here?
Yes, but they left in search of the shelters.
And why didn’t you go with them?
I'd rather die at home than in a shelter.
But maybe you would eat something better than horse
I go back and I repeat, when you are hungry you learn to eat anything.
The food was ready to eat. He tried eating the meat but couldn’t. He ate only rice. The old man finish his meat on his plate and then ate the meat of his plate. The old man took a bottle of rum that was kept under a timber house and served him.  They drank until they were getting drunk.

How can you be alone in this forest?
Here, I am who I want.
And who are you?
Well here I can do whatever I want.
But for God sake, Alone?
Being alone, allowed me to learn a lot about myself.
Like what?
That I like to eat.

They starting laughing out loud due to the rum, and he stood from his chair.

Where are you going?
I have a need.
There is a bathroom at the end of that hall, 'said the old man as he pointed.

Took a candle and went in search of the bathroom. When he was walking he saw a small trail of blood in the hallway coming to a door. It seemed strange, but the door was half open and slowly opened it and saw something that look like a foot, but as he was entering the room felt a sharp blow to the head and fell unconscious on the floor.

When he awoke he found hanging from the branch of a tree with his feet in the air. It was dawn and watched as the old man approached.

Put me down from here damn bastard.
I think you are not in a position to order.
I tell you, get me down!!  You fooled me.
But only once ... that was not horse meat.
Fucking bastard, you eat people ... damn damn!! How can you?
When you are hungry you learn to eat anything.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Citazione del giorno

  We can try to avoid making choices by doing nothing, but even that is a decision.

                                                                                                   Gary Collins Nice

So do not waste time being afraid to make decisions because these will define the things in your life, do it becuase it's called living.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Different People, Pierre Omidyar Ebay founder

Many people help in this world, many of which help them with food and shelter to people at night. Others help taking medicine and healing. These are people who go out of their way to help people in need, the kind of person I admire them for their dedication. But there is a Eastern saying that says Anonymous: "Do not give fish, but show them how to fish", knowing that these people may have lost in their investments, but they are a commitment to the common good so that everyone can get by themselves their bread, and is another way of giving that is extraordinary. These kinds of people I admire them even more. But amid all these kinds of people, is a person who does what few people do "Gives fish while teaching you to fish", and such people are what make the difference

You can find information about Pierre Omidyar of eBay or anywhere on the internet if you want to know how EBay started. What makes a person different is their way of giving, which is not satisfied that you catch fish but you know better than anyone. Omidyar says the greatest advice I received about philanthropy was "Do not become a foundation", so his group Omidyar Network does not function as a foundation of charity, but as a venture capital company.

Omidyar Network is a philanthropic investment firm dedicated to harnessing the power of markets to create opportunity for people to improve their lives. Established in 2004, the organization invests in and helps scale innovative organizations to catalyze economic, social and political. To date, Omidyar Network has committed more than $ 270 million to commercial and nonprofit organizations in advance to promote economic development and encourage individual participation across multiple investment areas, including microfinance and property rights.

Another major investment of this group is dedicated to government transparency, as is the case in Latin America, "Smart Citizen Foundation" you can find them on your page Here you can see the portfolio (selection of financial instruments for investment) Omidyar Network. Sometimes your help has multiplied effects as in the case of fund of 100 million dollars to his alma mater, Tufts University; this is projected to become one billion dollars to be used as micro loans.

Although EBay sometimes has a reputation for being a bit fraudulent, there is no denying the economic impact it has had on thousands of people who have quit their jobs and started an eBay store. In 2007, about 650,000 were estimated EBay stores, a number that may have lost or gained over the years, but we can say that more than half a million people are no longer employed and start their own company. Amid the number of shops are thousands of stories of disabled single mothers with sick children, and people who otherwise had an impediment to progress financially.

Ironically, as companies start, supposedly one of the reasons why I think to EBay was to help his girlfriend get rid of some of their belongings. The first sale of the EBay auction was a laser printer failed and was sold for around U.S. $ 14.00, Omidyar call the winner to make sure and clarify that it was a printer that is faulty, he replied: "I'm a collector of laser printers damaged ".

No matter how you started, but he has done with his success and Omidyar Network that not only strives to help the traditional, but also in aspects avece overlooked as we keep our government transparent and avoids corruption. That makes Omidyar Network and its founder Pierre Omidyar not only great people, but also different.

Note: Thanks to for information, for information and photography

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

300 Kilometers (mini series, Fiction, Part 1)

NOTE: The following story has some cursing.

The breaths were so deep that he felt his lungs were going to leave the chest. He had the head of that beast in his left hand, and on his right hand was a revolver with three bullets. Think, think, think he told himself over and over again as he look again to the beast’s head, and looked through one of the holes in the door to make sure that the other animals were not in the area.

Damn, oh shit he said as he gave up on the floor in exhaustion and despair. He glanced at the beast, and he knew him that when he cut the beast’s head it him gave that commitment. People need to know, people have to know that there is hope again he said as he looked through the hole, but could only see smoke and fire.

He turned toward the back of the house, and left the head on a night table that was in that room. He took the table and moved it away from its door and any window, now that he could not lose it. He took his flashlight, all who accompanied him on his journey until he found the dead cop in the street with a revolver loaded with six bullets. He felt stupid because he wanted a map, even though he knew where he was. Maybe inside he was hoping to be closer. He was located about 300 kilometers from the alleged camps of the few survivors. Between the camp and only were more than half a million a town revealed, went crazy, got tired, or do not know what the hell, but just breathing to kill all of his race. Other than fire, smoke and death. And there were still being eight of those damned beasts.

When the neighbors of our country revealed, the fight seemed fair, them against us, but then came these beasts and it was not fair. They have a speed and agility that just does not seem of this world. Not to mention their strength, they can destroy anyone into pieces with one punch. The people felt fear, bend our knees, and now they're running and hiding.

He heard something and went to the door to see, but it must have been the wind. At that moment he felt something running down his arm and at that moment he realized he was hurt. He cut off part of his shirt and covered the wound; thought thankfully was not very deep. Dropped to the ground and remembered as the beast it was rounding up to the house. Played with him for over a kilometer. It laughed and scared him. The tried to shoot it twice, but the best kept challenging him and then dodged the bullets. He walk into the house and hid. The beast entered the house to find him and started pulling everything and make noise like wolves to scare him, but he kept silent in hiding. The beast was looking for him every inch of the house, and when least expected, a sound was heard leaving the beast to the ground writhing and screaming. The shot was lethal. He took a table and smashing it up, and so did every piece of furniture in the house until the beast stopped moving. He went to the kitchen and look for a knife. It took almost half an hour to cut off his head, but he knew it was a sign. They said the camps were in Boca Chica, after the capital. He was one step away from the border with Haiti.

He stopped his thoughts and knew he had the 300 miles ahead, but with the hope that he comes alive when tomorrow and have less kilometers to travel. He took the beast’s head, his flashlight and gun. Do not look further into the hole, but opened the door and walked through the fire and smoke.